Select the driver file (get it from website) and copy it to control4 driver folder in path below: Libraries/Documents/Control4/Drivers 2. Driver Version and File Name Driver File: Gateway.c4i Driver Version: Adding and Activating License Follow steps 1 to 4 to add and register the driver: 1. Considering that RS-232 GatewayPro is equipped with eight relays as well as one input sensor channel, for using relay and sensor channels you should add Light Switch, Contact Input or Relay drivers for each channel individually and set their module addresses to 1. This driver has not been specifically designed for RS-232 GatewayPro Climax module, it also may be used for any other Climax modules connected to Home Controller directly via RS-232 serial port. Number of drivers you are able to add depends on the number of available serial ports on the project Home Controller(s), IO Extender(s), etc. This driver allows available serial ports to receive and transmit serial data and should be added at the very first stage of designing a project in Composer Pro with Climax products. Gateway driver for Control4 Composer Pro is the most basic driver provided for Climax products. 3 Introduction This document purposes to demonstrate how to add Gateway driver to Composer Pro Control4 software and use it.